Beginning of season 2015
Since the season opened, we’ve had some interesting and exciting fishing at Pira Lodge.
Beautiful sunny days mixed with torrential storms and strong winds continue to keep us on our toes. The water is clear and currently high, but dropping, and good numbers of fish are spread throughout the system. We’re also catching some BIG fish: a few in the 10 to 13 pound range, as well as many in the sporty 5 to 7 pound class.
For the moment, sinking lines are highly productive in the mainstem river. Side-channel fishing in the marsh has been a little more technical—although it’s getting easier. I’m happy to report that we are catching dorado with floating lines, including some on drys.
In closing, we’re optimistic that the good fishing will continue considering the impressive size and numbers of fish we’ve encountered so far this season.
Pirá Lodge Guide
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